I know of no single factor that more greatly affects our ability to perform than the image we have of ourselves. (..) The most dramatic changes that take place…occur when you abandon a concept of self which had previously limited your performance. My job is to let go of the concepts and limiting images which prevent me from perceiving and expressing my greatest potential.”

(Timothy Gallwey, author of Inner Game of Tennis; in The Total Runner by Dr. Jerry Lynch)

Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

Thanks for sharing.

Dear Chris, 

you are here to win... that's true. I love your book. 

When checking you into T1 at the Ironman Frankfurt two years ago I just thought that it's pretty cool to check one of the winning candidates into T1. There were many other volunteers who wanted to get autographs from you and were looking jealous at me. Because they really wanted to take over my job. Cheering at you during the race was fun. 

I did not know you personally before. I didn't know anything about your history or your thoughts. What drives you towards this sport... all of that was not important to me. 
I was new into Triathlon and you were one of the best athletes. So we cheered. We found you being a nice guy, so we became fans eventually. Not that kind of rockstar fans. Although we love to cheer for you in races like the Ironman and the Hamburg Triathlon and are very impressed by your efficency. 

I can truely say, that I would not have turned into Triathlon without people like you. Athletes that carry emotions. 

Because my husband the Zeugwart (our "equipment manager") knows about my passion for the sport he thought your book might be a nice pre-christmas present for me. As we are not getting christmas presents for each other, this was a smart way of buying me something for christmas without really making a typicall christmas gift. Since he always provides us with all the stuff needed... there it is.

I got your book three days ago. I loved Sebastian Kienles preamble and was impressed by yours. Now I am only on page 76 and had to cry several times already. Chris... you bring so much feeling into the words, I am almost loosing mine over it.
Learning why you are where you are know is wonderful. It is very kind from you to make the insight into your soul possible for me. 
I could easily feel your sadness when your friend and your mum died. I sympathized with you 100% and still do. Your words just carried me away, I can not help it at all. 

Usually I read books in a couple of hours or take one day at the longest. It is not possible to rush through your book. Through your thoughts and feelings. I need to take my time. This never happend before. 

Thank you so much for sharing. I am very grateful for knowing you story. And I am shocked reading a bestselling author's book wondering why you did not start to write books earlier?!

I hope you and your family have a merry christmas and a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year! 


2 Kommentare:

  1. Great !!

    der Zeugwart :-)

  2. Das ist aber wirklich ein schöner Bericht!

    Ich wünsche dir wunderbare Festtage mit vielen besinnlichen Stunden und einen tollen Start in das neue Jahr, das dir ganz viele tolle Triathlonmomente schenken soll.


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